5 mins more?

It's morning yet still you want to sleep for 5 mins more?

It's time for productivity yet still you want to scroll through Instagram for 5 mins more?

Your mother is asking you to help her wash the dishes yet you want to do that 5 mins later?

Alright, then success will always come to you 5 mins later.

Success will not come 5 mins later but will come after millions of minutes (it might not come at all as well).

Because success hates going to slothful people.

It's not so easy to handle success. Success often makes a person corrupt. Eventually it becomes temporary for that person.

Then what's the solution?


No other solution. When you are given a task, just do that.

Don't give stupid excuses.

You do all the tasks efficiently. You will be disciplined. 

Success will be bound to come to you!

Start Today :)

All the best!

To share your ideas, thoughts, experiences, life lessons, stories etc.

Write to us on our website - officeanjishnuray.com
